The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records or Akasha are a gateway to your soul. They are an ancient, energetic library that holds the recordings and memories of all that has happened throughout time, past present and future. The library functions as a sacred container where every word, thought, emotion and action that has every existed are lovingly held. Akashic Records exist for everything from people, to plants, animals, places, relationships, emotions, physical body parts and businesses (plus a lot more).

The Akashic Records are a powerful tool to support you on your inner journey of inner and outer transformation. They can unlock and access information that is hidden in your deep unconscious and bring it to the surface for processing, healing and releasing. The Akashic Records can support and guide you through periods of change and transition.

Through the Akashic Records you can access your past lives, as well as the generational and ancestral trauma that you carry. They can show you how these are impacting you in your current life and provide you with guidance on how to move through, heal and integrate these lifetimes. The Akashic Records also carry the wisdom of the gifts from past lifetimes that you are meant to embody in this life.

The Akashic Records know exactly what you need to know in the moment to continue to grow, accept, love and embody all parts of yourself on a soul level. They can provide you with insights into your relationships with yourself and others. As well as provide you with individualised tools and practices to support you on your journey through life.

The Akashic Records not only provide you with important information but they can provide you with emotional and energetic healings and clearings. When you are in the energy of your Akashic Records deep soul and cellular level healing is happening on both a conscious and an unconscious level.

There are no rules around how often you can connect or work with your Akashic Records. There are clients that have sessions weekly, fortnightly, monthly to yearly. Personally there are times when I connect with them daily to support myself.

To learn more about having an Akashic Records session or to book visit here.

My Journey with the Akashic Records

I found the Akashic Records purely by chance. I had been doing the inner work for over 5 years when I randomly saw someone I followed shared about the Akashic Records training they were going to do in their instagram stories. The second I saw it I had a strong response and my inner knowing told me that I needed to do it.

Connecting with the Akashic Records came effortlessly to me, it was the perfect example of perfect timing. After the first course session when all we had learnt about was how to access our own I was called to start giving readings.

Personally, working with the Akashic Records has helped me learn to trust in the intuitive, psychic parts of myself. I have got to know myself on a level I never could have expected. They really allowed me to find a sense of groundedness in my spirituality and myself. I use my Akashic Records to support myself regularly when I need guidance and support in all areas of my life, connect with my past lives, as well as to conduct energetic healings and clearings of myself. I use the Akashic Records as a safe channel of energy when I connect with places like Lemurian and Atlantis.

Professionally, I call on the energy of the Akashic Records in every single space I hold. Whether it be 1:1 or in a group, it is such a loving and nurturing energy to be held in. They allow me to create a space that is highly protected and safe. The Akashic Records intuitively guide me to provide exactly what people in the space need. Plus the added bonus is their energy moving through provides deeply unconscious shifts and healings.

If you would like to learn about working with your own Akashic Records you can do so through the Akashic Embodiment Journey.

Your Akashic Records are a spiritual record of every moment of your souls journey through all the lives your soul has lived in the past, present and future.