Human Design Readings

There are a number of ways that we can work together to explore your Human Design and empower you on your journey of embodying your uniqueness. All Human Design Readings are intuitively guided and provide you with exactly what you need to receive in that moment on all levels.

When I hold space for you during your reading you are held in the healing and grounding frequencies of your Akashic Records. The Akashic Records communicate and share with you from your soul level and combine effortlessly with Human Design. You can learn more about the Akashic Records here.

Readings are held via zoom and recorded so you can be completely present throughout your entire reading. 

I am incredibly passionate about embodiment and grounding into the foundations of your unique design. During this reading I will be intuitively guided through the foundations of your chart, explaining things in an incredibly accessible way and providing you with tools specific to your design that you can use to support yourself on your Human Design journey. This reading will be held in the energy of your Akashic Records, which will provide healing, clearing and guidance that will support you in the embodiment of your unique design.

For you if:

  • You are new to Human Design

  • Have never had a Human Design Reading

  • Want to develop your foundations to support the embodiment of your design in all areas of life

  • You feel guided to book this reading type

Note: There is also a booking option that includes a 60 minute follow up integration session at a discounted rate

Foundational Reading

Been working with your design for a while and want to learn more? This is a great session option for you. At the time of booking you will be able to identify if there are any specific areas or information your wish to receive through your session. We may also look at other charts in this session including your life cycles and astrology. This reading will be held in the energy of your Akashic Records to support the highest level of individualisation of the information and healing you receive during the reading.

For you if:

  • You have had a Human Design Reading before

  • Want to dive into the deeper levels of your design

  • Have specific things you would like support with in life or business

Dive Deeper Reading

Set yourself for success and clarity for your upcoming year. Through your Human Design Solar Return chart explore the cycles, themes and lessons that are going to play out over the following 12 months and how to best support your unique design through out this period of time. Receive guidance at a soul level from your Akashic Records in regards to the next 12 months, what you need to know, how you can move through it with greater ease and also receive any energetic healing and clearing you require. We will also look to your astrology chart for dominant themes you will encounter in the upcoming 12 month period.

The optimal time to book this reading is approximately 3 months before your birthday (your Design Date). But if it feel aligned for you to book this session closer to or on your birthday trust in your inner guidance system and your strategy and authority.

Solar Return Reading

Multi Session Deep Dive

Dive into Human Design over multiple sessions for a discounted rate. These sessions can be used how you would like and can also be used to touch on your astrology. All of these sessions will be held in the energy of the Akashic Records, specific guidance and healing from your Akashic Records can be integrated into these sessions.

Ways you can use the pack:

  • You want to explore the design of your family members or employees

  • You want continued support and guidance in relation to embodiment of your Human Design

  • You want additional support through a period of transition, transformation and change

  • You want to be supported in using Human Design in an embodied way in your business

  • You want to learn more about Human Design beyond your own design

  • You want to draw freely from my receptivity

Note: There is not set time to the frequency of these sessions. The greater the number of sessions you purchase the higher the discount.